You Are Revealing Your Location Through Your Smartphone Photos

The days of waiting for your photos to be developed—or even waiting to upload your photos to your computer—are gone. Smartphones are our main cameras these days, and they’ve gotten pretty darn good, too. But with the ease of taking and sharing photos comes a possible security risk: For many of us, the pictures we’re sharing reveal exactly where we …

Not All MFA Methods Are Equally Secure

When it comes to protecting your accounts, a strong password is a must. However, adding multi-factor authentication (MFA) is even better. If your strong password is ever cracked, or exposed in a data leak, MFA will stop someone with access to your password from breaking into your account. But while any MFA method is better that not using MFA at …

You Should Check Which Apps on Your Smartphone Are Using Your Location

Thirty years ago, no one would believe we’d all voluntarily carry around devices that could be used to track our every move. In 2024, however, that’s just the norm, as smartphones remain a must of modern life. While your iPhone or Android might be a little loose with your location information, there are steps you can take to make your …