Did You Know There’s an Easier Way to Move Apps Around Your Home Screen?
iPhones are great, but they’re not great at reorganization. Have you ever tried to move apps around your home screen? You need to hold on an app, wait for it to shake, then drag its new location, hoping all the other apps move out of the way accordingly. (They often don’t.) Even if this move is successful, you need to

iPhones are great, but they’re not great at reorganization. Have you ever tried to move apps around your home screen? You need to hold on an app, wait for it to shake, then drag its new location, hoping all the other apps move out of the way accordingly. (They often don’t.)
Even if this move is successful, you need to repeat it for every single app you want to move. If you’re planning a big home screen reorg, it’s tedious, and likely discouraging. You might just give up and live with your home screen as-is forever.
As it turns out, there’s a much easier way to relocate multiple iPhone apps across your home screen pages—something Apple simply needs to advertise better.
The next time you need to move multiple apps on your iPhone, try this: Hold down on an app until it shakes (or press “Edit Home Screen” when the option appears). Now, drag that app out of its place: This will select the app, and it will appear to float above the page. Without picking up this finger, take another finger and tap a second app you’d like to move. Watch as iOS attaches that app to the first app: Now, you have two apps moving in succession. You can repeat this for as many apps as you’d like to move, and iOS will continue to stack them.
Now, just swipe through your home screen pages and drop the apps where you’d like them.
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