Did You Know There’s a Better Way to Select Items on Your iPhone?

Your iPhone is full of hidden controls and features you may or may not have stumbled upon over the years. Apple doesn’t really pack a traditional user manual with each iPhone it ships, so we really pick up how to use these things ourselves. One of those features is selecting items. If you never select items, these gestures will be …

Email Isn’t Always Secure (but It Can Be)

Usually, it’s good advice to keep sensitive and private information away from email. If you need to share confidential business information with a colleague, there are typically more secure ways to send that data off. However, email can be a secure messaging platform, so long as it’s set up correctly ahead of time. Why is email usually not secure? The …

How SEO Poisoning Can Threaten Your Business

When you want to look something up on the internet, you turn to a search engine, like Google or Bing. However, not all links are relevant, or even legitimate. Bad actors are devising ways to trick you into clicking on search results that lead to malicious websites, whether to obtain your information or install malware on your machine. They achieve …

Unprompted MFA Codes Are Bad News

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is one of the most powerful tools in your cybersecurity arsenal. When enabled, MFA can prevent bad actors from breaking into your accounts, even when they have your username and password in hand. Because MFA is so powerful against hackers, bad actors are looking to exploit their security whenever possible. As such, if you receive an MFA …

What to Do When Your Wi-Fi Seems Slow

When the internet is working as it should, you think nothing of it. Clicking on a website takes you where you want to go instantly, and sitting down for a video call is seamless. But when your Wi-Fi starts slowing down, these tasks become more difficult, and starts to take its toll on your ability to work online. When taking …