Don’t Let Hurricanes Impact Your Systems

Severe weather events, like hurricanes, are common, but nevertheless devastating. When high winds and torrential rains interfere with electricity and power, shutting down networks and systems, business grinds to a halt. With the proper precautions, however, you can ensure your business is protected from whatever Mother Nature throws our way. Cox has an eight-step guide to ensure your business and its …

Microsoft Edge Deletes Cookies Every Time You Close Your Browser

When you use an internet browser, like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, you generate cookies. Cookies are used to track your activity across websites as you browse, which can be an invasion of privacy. Edge has a built-in solution. Microsoft added a feature to edge that deletes cookies and other browsing data as soon as you close your browser. That …

This Thursday Is World Password Day

Get ready to celebrate. This Thursday, May 5, is World Password Day. Since 2013, password aficionados have chosen the first Thursday in May to highlight an important mission: Change your passwords, and make them strong. Those in the cybersecurity world preach about the importance of having a strong password. A strong password, essentially, is one that is hard for both …