Don’t Fall for This Deceitful Scam Tactic
Scammers want to scare you. Don’t fall for it.
Scammers want to scare you. Don’t fall for it.
When you browse the internet on your computer, the large display gives you flexibility in ways you might not think about. Case in point: When you click a link on your computer, your main internet browser opens it in a new window or tab every time. Smartphones are a different story. It’s not that they aren’t capable machines (in some …
Wi-Fi is a fantastic technology that makes it possible to wireless connect to the internet on any device you use. But the tech isn’t totally secure: Unless you’re careful, you could be leaving yourself vulnerable to intruders, either mooching on your internet for free, or using it as a backdoor to your personal or work files. First up, consider your …
Scams are an unavoidable part of daily life these days. But that doesn’t mean all scams are the same: There is a huge variety of ways hackers and bad actors attempt to steal your personal information, with no end in sight. One “clever” scheme involves malicious PDFs featuring malicious links. The good news? It’s easy to avoid. How this PDF …
We all have a lot of passwords. Ideally, each one is strong and unique, but that isn’t always the case. Many of us reuse the same, weak passwords, which leaves our digital data vulnerable to hacking. Even if our passwords are cryptographically perfect, phishing tricks too many of us into giving up our precious details. There must be a better …
Passwords are an integral part of keeping your digital life safe and secure. Unfortunately, it’s all too common for passwords to end up leaked in a data breach, allowing hackers a look into which phrases people often use most. The more common the password, the more likely hackers can guess it to break into your accounts. As reported by CNBC, …