Apple Releases Security Patches for All Devices

Last week, Apple released security patches for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. While the company didn’t advertise these software updates as security patches, the new versions fix dozens upon dozens of security vulnerabilities across iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. If you have these devices, update them as soon as possible. Apple released iOS 15.5, iPadOS 15.5, and macOS 12.4 on Monday, …

Microsoft Edge Deletes Cookies Every Time You Close Your Browser

When you use an internet browser, like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, you generate cookies. Cookies are used to track your activity across websites as you browse, which can be an invasion of privacy. Edge has a built-in solution. Microsoft added a feature to edge that deletes cookies and other browsing data as soon as you close your browser. That …

Spanish Prime Minister Newest Target of Pegasus Spyware

Pedro Sánchez, the Prime Minister of Spain, as well as defense minister Margarita Robles are the latest two targets of the NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware. This is the first time the Prime Minister has been the subject of Pegasus spyware, but also the first evidence of cyber espionage effectively targeting at a head of state. According to Tech Monitor, hackers …