Is your it working effectively? Would you recommend your IT Company to your own best client? Yes No Not Sure Does your IT Company always answer the phone with live Techs? Yes No Sometimes Never Does your IT assign you a Client Account Manager? Yes No Not Sure How long does it take your IT Company to fix your problem? Less than 15 minutes Generally within one hour Generally within one day More than one day How satisfied are you with the overall value of your services compared to the cost? Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Does your IT Company have any of the following security measures to protect your data and systems?Threat Operations Team with security engineers, Chief Information Security Officer, Daily reporting of threats, Live engineers to review potential email threats Yes No Not Sure Does your business require IT Compliance? CMMC HIPAA NIST Other Not Sure Does your IT Company send you daily reports demonstrating IT health? Daily Weekly Monthly Not at all Not Sure Do you have Cyber Insurance? Yes No Has your company ever had an email compromise? Never Within the last 6 months Over 6 months ago Has your company ever had a cyber incident or ransomware compromise? Never Within the last 6 months Over 6 months ago Δ